Distance Between Travel time Direction Road map Bus fare Train fare latitude & longitude Fuel Cost Flight Distance

Guptkashi to Kedarnath distance, location, road map and direction

Guptkashi is located in India at the longitude of 79.08 and latitude of 30.53. Kedarnath is located in India at the longitude of 79.07 and latitude of 30.73 .

Guptkashi to Kedarnath distance by road

The distance between Guptkashi and Kedarnath is 46 KM by road.

How to reach Kedarnath from Guptkashi

There is no motor road from GauriKund to Kedarnath. So we can travel by motor vehicle from Guptkashi to gaurikund, then we have to trek from gaurikund to Kedarnath temple by foot.

Guptkashi to Kedarnath helicopter

Some private helicopters are available from Guptkashi Helipad to Kedarnath temple helipad. Kindly check the concern aviation company for booking and fare details.

Guptkashi to Kedarnath helicopter time and price

guptkashi to kedarnath helicopter price is around 3875 INR for one way trip. Round trip from guptkashi to kedarnath and return kedarnath to guptkashi price is 7750INR as on 2021. Please check the concern aviation company for current price and timings.

guptkashi to kedarnath trek distance

The treking distance from guptkashi to kedarnath is 46KM. You can trek the total distance by foot. You can reach gauri gund by motor road from there you can trek 14KM from gaurikund to kedarnath temple.

Straight / Flight Distance between Guptkashi and Kedarnath

The total straight line distance between Guptkashi and Kedarnath is 22 KM (kilometers) and 729.77 meters. The miles based distance from Guptkashi to Kedarnath is 14.1 miles. This is a straight line distance and so most of the time the actual travel distance between Guptkashi and Kedarnath may be higher or vary due to curvature of the road .

Guptkashi To Kedarnath travel time

Guptkashi To Kedarnath travel time is 5 Hours. Guptkashi is located around 46 KM away from Kedarnath. The is no staright motor route between these two himalayan places. We have to by motor road then we have trek to reach the kedar temple. Guptkashi to Gauri kund may take around 90 minutes by car. Gauri kund to kedarnath temple distance is 14 km, this part is treking so normally it may take around 2.5 hours to 5 Hours based person walkable strength. One helthy person can reach kedar temple at 3.5 hours by treking.

Sitapur helipad To Kedarnath temple helicopter

Sitapur helipad is located around 26 km ahead of Guptkashi.

Guptkashi to Kedarnath Bus

Guptkashi to gauri gund bus service are available. We can use government and private bus service to travel upto Gauri gund. Bus travel time from Guptkashi to Gauri gund is around 1.5 hours

Bus fare from Guptkashi to Kedarnath

Guptkashi To Gaurigund(kedarnath base camp) bus fare may be around Rs.50 when we write this document. Please check the concern authority for the current price and update.

Guptkashi To Kedarnath driving direction

The following driving direction guides you to reach Kedarnath from Guptkashi. Our straight line distance may vary from google distance.

Guptkashi To Kedarnath route landslide

All the above motor road details will work when there is no landslide. Some times it may take some hours to day to clear the road due to landslide. So well plan the travel then book the return train from haridwar railway station.

Guptkashi To Kedarnath road map

Travelers and visitors are welcome to write more travel information about Guptkashi and Kedarnath.

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